Wednesday, August 16, 2017

An idea with several outcomes As Linkbait, SEO, SMO Benefits

In process of Link building and traffic generation, we observed whole game are changing day by day, in my personal opinion and thoughts,
“Search marketing is marketing of thoughts and ideas “.
So sitting idle and going through work updates, I just put a idea for my clients using a presentations and various treatment of this document!.
Get started:
  1. Collection of Thoughts, Ideas, some different approach to create awareness for products.
  2. Image search, and prepare necessary content requirements( punch-lines)
  3. Build Presentations upon above ideas with some innovative approach in color themes etc.
  4.  The Key part of presentations is – the monotonous display and promotion of product continuity is broken with new innovative stuffs , which create curiosity among reader’s
  5. The Final presentation shared on Few Document sharing site. ( The social profile updated, the user’s view the document, some referral connects increased )
  6. The Embedded code taken from document publishing site ( I used Slidecast from )
  7. The Embedded code with few makeovers published on client blog wit new trendy title, tags and few line of content. ( Backlink, fresh content, blog updated, reader’s referral visit came)
  8. To use link bait opportunity, the code offered for embed on own site /blog ( below the blog post )
  9. In making of presentations you collected some nice sets of image, and you also performed research  on attractive captions, it time to re-use them, with all image sets make new album on facebook, google plus or share on image sites ( social benefits, referral, few links from image sharing sites)
  10.  It’s time to go to notify readers about your new blog post, album, and presentation. Do some social share stuffs and get good amount of social traffic from various channels.
  11. To update video stream you can also use PPT> Video converter’s to send you idea to video communities.
You should Try these steps, convert you idea into links, social identity, Link baits opportunity and referral traffic.
Here is an Embed Preview of a Sample Presentation Used in my office (About Real India: A Picturesque)

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