Wednesday, August 16, 2017

An idea with several outcomes As Linkbait, SEO, SMO Benefits

In process of Link building and traffic generation, we observed whole game are changing day by day, in my personal opinion and thoughts,
“Search marketing is marketing of thoughts and ideas “.
So sitting idle and going through work updates, I just put a idea for my clients using a presentations and various treatment of this document!.
Get started:
  1. Collection of Thoughts, Ideas, some different approach to create awareness for products.
  2. Image search, and prepare necessary content requirements( punch-lines)
  3. Build Presentations upon above ideas with some innovative approach in color themes etc.
  4.  The Key part of presentations is – the monotonous display and promotion of product continuity is broken with new innovative stuffs , which create curiosity among reader’s
  5. The Final presentation shared on Few Document sharing site. ( The social profile updated, the user’s view the document, some referral connects increased )
  6. The Embedded code taken from document publishing site ( I used Slidecast from )
  7. The Embedded code with few makeovers published on client blog wit new trendy title, tags and few line of content. ( Backlink, fresh content, blog updated, reader’s referral visit came)
  8. To use link bait opportunity, the code offered for embed on own site /blog ( below the blog post )
  9. In making of presentations you collected some nice sets of image, and you also performed research  on attractive captions, it time to re-use them, with all image sets make new album on facebook, google plus or share on image sites ( social benefits, referral, few links from image sharing sites)
  10.  It’s time to go to notify readers about your new blog post, album, and presentation. Do some social share stuffs and get good amount of social traffic from various channels.
  11. To update video stream you can also use PPT> Video converter’s to send you idea to video communities.
You should Try these steps, convert you idea into links, social identity, Link baits opportunity and referral traffic.
Here is an Embed Preview of a Sample Presentation Used in my office (About Real India: A Picturesque)

Don’t Be Mess with Pagination – A SEO Outlook

Google spam team head Matt Cut announce  that in a SEO pagination is more important part of any site promotion and link juice distribution as well as search engine or user  friendly .pagination simply means that your web page connect each other on very navigational way .This is to help the visitor to abstract easily site structure and navigation .pagination also help to crawler to crawl your page on very depth level .
Lets take example of Delhi hotels site
We have a site name is delhi hotels and they have category like 5 star , 5 star deluxe .if we create normal than we cant give proper mining for google  to connection between  the home page to product page , but if we used pagination in this site we easily give guide to the crawler that the product page is also part of home page and crawler much have crawl the in depth page .the basic purpose of pagination used in seo that we can easily get high page rank and land crawler in very inner page on our business page as well as distribute page rank in low level page .
One of the major reason  for using product level pagination that we can easily track duplicate content on your web page .you can easily track duplicate content in Delhi hotels site which is I all ready mention ,  let oberai hotels in prime location and same oberai hotels located in other location so your can make both separate through page title will help remove duplicate content issues.  Example, <title>Page 1 – Nike Shox</title>, <title> Page 2 – Nike Shox</title>, etc. and that condition if same content exist in both page you can predict your duplicate page on original page through 301 .
The main use of page level pagination in E commerce site , where duplicate URL and content on the page high level change to occur this above problem .
Here I am going to explain how many type of pagination you can use in SEO :
Over all three pagination tactics use web promotion :
  •  classic method (using dynamic Indexing method )
  • View All Method
  • Rel prev/Next Method (Define relation between two pages )
The classic pagination Method
The classic pagination method is define to extract dynamic site sequncly. Means your all page directly connect to the main home page .The classic method only use full where your site is static or nature of business very low and lot of information include in one platform.
Eg The site length is 5 page include home so you have to mention all inner page into the home page
View All Method
The view all technique one of the useful technique that help to crawl your site with in very less time .In the pagination technique the all product page treated like his own commanding bottom .the benefit of this pagination that user love to see the related information in one platform .All content in the pagination visualise on very clear manner  and use see on direct fashion .
The rel next /prev method :
The third and final pagination method is rel next/prev.Google also finales that pagination technique to give a excat advantage for the product page  In current situation HTML 4/5 both support this uniq pagination technique .the benefit of this method that all product page co related to each other and give directly link adverted to other and also easily track by the user .through rel next prev pagination page have own identity through rel canonical they have own existential in business page . so the advantage that there is very less change to duplicate URL or duplicate content in site.
The Advantage of pagination :
Site become faster than other .Canonical problem approx remove permanently .you can easily promote your product in can easily keyword map in one particular page who exactly become for that keyword .they fully support HTML 5 so you can worry about next generation

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Amarnath Yatra by helicopter from the Baltal

Day 1 - Arrive Srinagar & Transfer to Sonmarg On arrival at Srinagar airport, our representative will meet you and transfer you to Sonmarg 2690 Mtrs (Meadow of Gold). On arrival check into your Tent in Sonmarg. This afternoon you will visit Thajiwas Glacier by walk or take house ride where snow remains round the year and Sonmarg is known as Gateway of Ladakh. Stay overnight at Tent in Sonmarg. (Travel Help Line Number is - , +919971944211). Day 2 - Amarnath Yatra Darshan by Chopper This morning after breakfast drive to Baltal to begin your Amarnath Yatra by helicopter from the Baltal huts which are just 10 minutes walk away from the Helipad. The helicopter operates between 6:00 a.m. And 5:00 p.m. Helicopter Services is subject to weather conditions. Helicopter operates till Panchtarni then 6 kms. Trek from Panchtarni to Amarnath cave. You can also take Palki or Pony Or Natural walk. After Darshan return in time to Helipad to take back Helicopter to Baltal. In case you are late you have to stay in Panchtarni for overnight in Tent by your self. Next Morning you will board helicopter to Baltal where you will be met by our driver. Transfer by vehicle from baltal to Srinagar. On arrival check into your house boat and rest of the evening is at leisure. Stay Overnight at houseboat. Day 3 - Srinagar City Tour with Shikara Ride in Dalake This morning after breakfast visit The City of Srinagar. The world famous Mughal Gardens visiting the Nishat Bagh (The garden of pleasure) and Shalimar Bagh (Abode of love), The Chasme Shahi Garden, Shankaracharya Temple, In the Evening Shikara ride on The Dal Lake to enjoy the beauty of the Charchinar, Floating Gardens & the God has graced this city with, which is often compared to Venice. You will get view of some very interesting places around the Lake. Stay overnight at houseboat. Day 4 - Srinagar Airport for Onward Journey Today you will be transferred to Srinagar bus station Or Airport for your onward journey. Your Tour Includes - - 1 Nights accommodation in Tent Sonmarg with breakfast & dinner on twin sharing basis. - 2 Nights accommodation in Kashmir deluxe houseboat with breakfast & dinner on twin sharing basis. - Baltal Panchtarni Baltal by Helicopter. - All arrival, departure, sightseeing's as per above itinerary by car with English speaking driver. - Car Including: Fuel, Parking, Road tax, Toll tax, State taxes and Driver Expenses. - Shikara Tour in Dal Lake. - All applicable hotel & transport taxes. Your Tour Doesn't Includes - - Any meals other than those specified. - Expenses of personal nature such as tips, telephone calls, laundry, liquor etc. - Entrance fees during sightseeing. - Any other item not specified. Get free details on +919971944211